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13 ways Online Advertising Is Less Expensive, More Secure & Convenient for You On Wine Industry Insight

 Comparable Banner Price

  • WBM: Charges separately for Web and email. That more than doubles ad prices
  • WII: One price covers both web and email advertising.

Comparisons, below are based on a one-time, one month insertion price and standard horizontal banner

NOTE: WII does not recommend the small 468×60-pixel banners used by WBM. Price comparisons, below, use WII’s standard 520×100-pixel banner which is 185% larger than WBM’s standard horizontal banner.

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  • WBM top banner (468×60) , one month — email: $3,700 + web: $3,500 = $7,200
  • WII top banner, one month (520×100) — email $2,028 + web : $0 = $2,028
  • WBM Mid-priced Banner (468×60) , one month — email:  $2,600 + web: $2,500 = $3,100
  • WII Standard rate card (520×100) , one month — email – $1,560 + web $0 = $1,560

Based on rates available  December 29, 2015 at the following sites:

Pls email lperdue [at] ideaworx [dot] com for a copy of either WBM rate card if they become unavailable on the web.


News Fetch Email: 5 Free Advertiser Bonuses

  1. WII’s daily News Fetch emails are automatically converted to web versions which are accessible to search engines and give advertisers TWO web versions for visibility: WineIndustryInsight.Com and the archived web versions: NewsFetch Newsletter Archives.
  2. Many people prefer to view large emails in their browsers. WII allows this. WBI does not.
  3. The web version also means that advertiser ads remain available for web searchers even after they have stopped advertising.
  4. WII allows advertising insertions up until the day before an ad is to run. WBM needs  at least 10 days
  5. WII not only allows, but encourages frequent banner changes to encourage better results. Changes requested by a Friday morning will run the following Monday. Up to 4 changes per month are free when requested on time. WBM has no provision for this.

WII: More Complete News, Categorized And Curated For Quick Reference

  • WBM email averages 30 news links.
  • WII email averages 60 to 80 links for full and complete coverage
  • WII links are categorized by subject to make them easier for readers to find areas of interest.
  • WBI is not categorized

But Wait! Here Are 3 Ways WII Avoids Ad Blockers So Ads Can Be Seen

  • WII does not allow animated ads which are one of the primary annoyances that drive people to install ad blockers in their browsers.
  • WBM: Most ads are animated and distracting
  • WII: Complies with ad blocking rules, so all its ads are visible, not blocked
  • WBM: Animations can be blocked.
  • WII: Serves ads from its own server, hard-coded into the HTML of the web pages and News Fetch.
  • WBM: Uses a third-party advertising server  ( DoubleClick/Google) which is blacklisted by most ad blocking plug-ins.

How WII Protects User Privacy and Security Better

  • WII Serves ads in such a way as to protect user privacy and security.
  • WBM uses DoubleClick/Google which writes and stores frequent cookies. While the nature of those cookies can be relatively harmless, they can be used without user permission as part of DoubleClick/Google’g big data gathering operation.
  • WII: Avoids techniques and technologies which pose security risks to email readers and web surfers.
  • WBM: Serves ads using Javascript and DoubleClick/Google. Through no fault of web sites like WBM,  hackers have used features of DoubleClick/Google to penetrate computers and install damaging malware.

For more on the above, please see: