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Using Flash on your web site, endangers your business and your users

Adobe Flash opens holes for malware, and hacking exploits.


Users hate what it does to their surfing experience. People who  install ad blocking software cite Flash it as a key motivation.


Even more people forgo the ad blockers and surf with Flash turned off. This post and this one show what your site looks like to them.


Small wonder that Flash is dying (see first chart, below.)  Wine Industry Insight along with its sister publication, Craft Beverage Insights, respect their readers and comply with ad-blocking restrictions.

Flash is a security risk for malware and hacking exploits

The two links below say it all.

  1. Hacking, security issues prompt Google & Mozilla to join Apple and pull browser support for Adobe Flash
  2. Hacking Team incident prompts calls to retire Adobe Flash
  3. Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 4.29.47 PM
    Right-click image to view a larger chart

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