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Nielsen 52-Wk data: French wine has highest revenue growth; Imports still top dollar/bottle

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Other quick-glance takeaways

  • Import share edges down but still bests domestic price gains and average bottle price.
  • $15-19.99 category tops in $ share gains
  • $3-$5.99 still largest category by dollar volume, has 30% of share
  • Syrah/Shiraz still sucking followed by declines in Merlot and White Zin.
  • SauvBlanc has largest gains in $ volume
  • Zin has highest avg bottle price.
  • Small share decline on modest price increase

The Rose´Outlier

  • Rose´ selling for more than $7.99 is an outlier: Smallest dollar volume but 55.4% dollar volume growth and highest average bottle price of $13.27