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$1.3 trillion at risk as Hispanic spending and consumer confidence drop on immigration fears

According to excerpts from RBC’s March 24 Market Analysis:

The collective buying power of the Hispanic population totaled $1.3 trillion in 2015, and is projected to grow to $1.7 trillion by 2020. The increase since 2000 is 167%, twice the 76% growth in non-Hispanic buying power, according to Nielsen.


Hispanic-Americans surpass the U.S. national average on almost all beverages by volume. According to InfoScout, Hispanic shoppers, especially the unacculturated shoppers have reduced spending by 3.6% and 9.5% yoy, respectively in February.


According to PEW research, after President Donald Trump’s win, a rising share of Hispanics believes the situation of U.S. Hispanics is worsening, from 15% in 2013 to 32% in 2017. This, according to RBC Capital Markets, is one cause of the recent weakness in retail trends.


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 Hispanics also drink more imported beer than any other ethnic group (34% vs 28% for the total US population). Compared to other ethnic groups, Hispanic beer and craft beer drinkers are not only the second largest after White, but also are more likely to drink frequently (weekly).


About half of Hispanics are worried about the deportation of someone they know, and 49% lawful permanent residents have serious concerns about their place in America.


The political concerns are weighing on the Hispanic consumer sentiment and spending. 35% of Hispanics believe it is a bad time to buy big items for their homes and 44% of those who were born outside U.S. believe so.