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Make people hate you! Use these types of ads online.

Make people hate you! Use these types of ads online.


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Source: Nielsen Norman Group

Legend for advertisement types.

From: The Most Hated Online Advertising Techniques
(Reorganized into alphabetical order)

  • Autoplay video (with skip)-This video advertisement starts playing automatically when you arrive at a website, followed by video content from the website you are visiting.

  • Deceptive links-You reach a website where you need to take an action, such as downloading a file or running a test. Near the links to download are other similar links, which are advertisements.”

  • Intracontent (with content reorganization)-As the page loads, the advertisement appears and moves existing content down.

  • Intracontent (without content reorganization)-This advertisement appears within the main content of the website.

  • Modal-This ad appears on top of a site’s content when you go to the site. The ad must be closed before you can interact with the site content.

  • Nonmodal-This ad appears on top of the content as you visit a site, typically in the lower right corner of the page. It stays in place as you scroll through the site.

  • Persistent banner (top of content)-This ad appears at the top of the page without blocking content, and stays in place as you scroll. It is locked to the top of the browser window.

  • Persistent banner (bottom of content)-This ad appears at the bottom of the page and stays in place as you scroll, locked to the bottom of the browser window.

  • Prevideo (no skip)-When you play a video on a website, an advertisement plays first.

  • Prevideo (with skip)-When you play a video on a website, an advertisement plays first, which you can skip after 5 seconds.

  • Related links-These ads appear at the bottom of an article as related links.

  • Retargeting-You shop for an item online. Later, you see advertisements for that same item or company on other websites.

  • Right rail [non-animated banner or other form]-This advertisement is located on the right side of the page.

  • Right rail (animated)-The advertisement is located on the right side of the page, and it flashes to get your attention.

  • Sponsored social media content-This advertisement appears in your feed on a social media site.