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Home » Entries posted by Lewis Perdue (Page 5)
Stories written by Lewis Perdue
Lewis Perdue is an entrepreneur, technologist, scientist, professor, author, publisher, journalist, and outdoorsman. Click here for more on Lew. Email Lew at: lewis[dot]perdue[at]wineindustryinsight[dot]com

No Guarantee That Inflation Will Recede In A Straight Line

Source: Axios

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Wine Institute Receives Less from FY 2023 U.S. Market Assistance Program. Northwest Wine Gets A Bit More

 This is the redacted version of a premium article for Wine Executive News Premium Subscribers. Some links and text portions may not be available in this version. CCBill subscribers, click here. Stripe subscribers, click here. Click here to Subscribe to Wine Executive News The California’s Wine Institute (WI) allocation from the USDA’s Market Assistance program […]

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The gap between remote and onsite work narrows — again

Source: Axios

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What’s Tripping Up Your E-commerce Operation, and How To Fix It

Rabobank Survey of Alcohol E-commerce Leaders Source: Rabobank

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2022 Calif Grape Crush: Price Up, Tons Down. Red Wine Largest Share: Cab Over Chard

Full report here (PDF) Article will be updated as needed. The 2022  crush totaled 3,620,595 tons, down 6.7% from the 2021 crush of 3,880,141 tons. Red wine varieties accounted for the largest share of all grapes crushed, at  885,875 tons, down 7.2% from 2021. This according to the 2022 California Preliminary Crush Report from the […]

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Calif. Crush Was Up Slightly in Last’s Year’s Report. Keep Your Eyes On this When You Look At Today’s Report.

Source: Wine Industry Insight Coverage of the 2022 NASS Crush Report of the 2021 Harvest.

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Consumers Are Shifting Spending Toward Products With ESG-Related Claims

  Source: McKinsey & Company

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Can Bar Charts Bias Your Interpretation Of Data? (Yep!)

The simple answer is “Yes.” Check the source links for more. Source: Science Alert via Reimers & Harvey

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Most Popular Super Bowl LVII Advertisers: Beer, Spirits & Snacks (No Vino)

Click Morning Consult Source Link For A Larger, Clearer Image Source:, Morning Consult

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China Ownership Of US Farmland Is A Flashpoint, But May Be A Non-Starter.

Source: USDA via Wall Street Journal

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