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Home » Entries posted by Lewis Perdue (Page 8)
Stories written by Lewis Perdue
Lewis Perdue is an entrepreneur, technologist, scientist, professor, author, publisher, journalist, and outdoorsman. Click here for more on Lew. Email Lew at: lewis[dot]perdue[at]wineindustryinsight[dot]com

Dry January Participation Dips in 2023; Millennials Lead The Way

Source: Morning Consult

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US Companies May Benefit From Global Favorability Over China

Source: Morning Consult

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Major Russian River Flooding Predicted in Sonoma County; Other NorCal & Central Valley Rivers Also At Risk.

Source: NOAA, California Nevada River Forecast Center Interactive map for region at this link.

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4 in 5 Americans Say They’re Now Comfortable With Dining Out, Social Events, Shopping.

Source: Morning Consult

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These Are The States Where The Minimum Wage is Increasing in 2023

Sources: Interactive Chart: Gabriel Cortes / CNBC  Data: Wolters Kluwer + Full Table With Details: Wolters Kluwer

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AlcBev Consumption & Wine Preferences Hold Mostly Steady Among US Adults

Source: Gallup

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Winc Files Holiday Onslaught of Bankruptcy Documents; Unsecured Creditors Fire Back On New Year’s Eve

This is the redacted version of a premium article for Wine Executive News Premium Subscribers. Some links and text portions may not be available in this version. CCBill subscribers, click here. Stripe subscribers, click here. Click here to Subscribe to Wine Executive News   Winc’s attorneys filed a 10-document onslaught in the middle of the […]

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Winc Lawyers File Last Minute Blizzard Of Bankruptcy Court Documents. Deadlines Moved. Other Changes Seem Minor

  Bankruptcy attorneys for Winc, Inc. filed 10 lengthy court documents late yesterday (Dec. 22) apparently in response to objections raised by the Committee of Unsecured Creditors.   For more details on those objections, see: Deadline Looms For Bids To Buy Winc Assets. Creditor Group Objects, Wants Postponement, Rules Changes.   A substantial number of […]

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How Old Were You When You Stopped Believing In Santa Claus? Check Out This Chart And See How You Compare.

Source: YouGov

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Deadline Looms For Bids To Buy Winc Assets. Creditor Group Objects, Wants Postponement, Rules Changes

This is the redacted version of a premium article for Wine Executive News Premium Subscribers. Some links and text portions are not available in this version. CCBill subscribers, click here. Stripe subscribers, click here. Click here to Subscribe to Wine Executive News While the Winc, Inc.,  stalking horse has a leg up on buying the […]

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