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Analyst Or Reporter: It’s All About Reliable Data

Whether you’re a journalist or a brokerage analyst, you’re only as good as your sources. And sources are only as good as their data. It pays to have experience and knowledge of the topics you’re covering and some history with sources because those allow you to BS detect statements and to know who has the […]

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Online Content, Prostitution & Disclosure

The following piece from today’s San Francisco Chronicle,  (“Snowcial – social media’s peak networking“) touches on a potentially unsound and possibly illegal practice if done incorrectly: “David Armano, managing director, Edelman Digital: ‘Journalists and newspapers are now doing paid content. The days are over for separation of church and state, editorial and advertising. The lines […]

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Internet Boasting Doesn’t Equal Quality

There are a million ways to laugh boasting off the stage. I’ve written many times about all the arrogance and sheer unsupportable hyperbole in news releases … by people who ought to know better. This recent piece from the San Francisco Chronicle says it very well. It deserves a careful read by the people who […]

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Suing Wine Writers

There are a lot of misconceptions about defamation. And even though it’s been quite a while since I co-taught a course on mass media law at Cornell, the Supreme Court has not made any major changes over those intervening years. The quick summary below is not legal advice, but intended as a quick “Cliff’s Notes” […]

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What’s Of Interest To News Fetch Subscribers?

I keep track of emails and comments from Wine Industry Insight’s News Fetch 18,500+ subscribers about what they find of interest … and not. Those of you who took the time to read this link — How Do I Get My News Included In Wine Industry Insight? — on Wine Industry Insight know that the […]

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“How Do I Get My News Included In Wine Industry Insight?”

PLEASE SEE THIS LINK AS WELL: What’s Of Interest To News Fetch Subscribers? I get this question frequently. So here’s a quick guide. NEWS, NEWS, NEWS AND ONLY NEWS First,it must be news and written like news. Wandering, overblown, self-congratulatory pieces filled with gushing superlatives are not news. Second, your news must be business, or […]

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(This is an excerpt from today’s News Fetch … excerpted here for my colleague Chris Rauber at the SF Business Times who has been suffering from a big flack attack. See Twitter thread below) AMATEUR, ARROGANT, WANDERING NEWS RELEASE OF THE DAY There might actually be news here, but this transcendentally offal news release won’t […]

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Experience: The News Fetch, News Difference

NEWS SELECTED BASED ON YEARS OF EXPERIENCE On a typical Monday through Friday, News Fetch gives its subscribers from 40 to 70 article links, organized from most important to articles of interest but lesser importance. News Fetch articles are not randomly selected or chosen by a computer. Wine Industry Insight and News Fetch editor Lewis […]

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Sanity On Headlines! PR People: Please Read This…PLEASE!

The link, below, leads to an excellent article by a PR professional and is written for PR professionals who want to live up to the “professional” part. 7 Tips for Writing Headlines That Pop in a Journalist’s Inbox This is by Andrew Hindes, president of  The In-House Writer, a Los Angeles-based PR and marketing copywriting […]

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When The Media Gets Lied To, YOU Get Lied To

When people lie to the press, they lie to you, dear reader. Lying reflects an underlying character flaw that says, “If they lied about this, what else have they lied about? When will the next lie be told? Untrustworthy, dishonest, unethical. That’s the reputation they earn. And if you facilitate a lie, or allow it […]

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