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USA Trade Tasting Exhibitor Space 75% Sold, 3rd Day Added To Accommodate Trade

NEWS RELEASE New York, NY August 24, 2015 – Registrations to the USA Trade Tasting (USATT) are now 75% sold out. In addition, the show has added a third day. Originally scheduled for March 21-22, the Conference portion of the show will be moved to March 23, 2016 so that space previously allotted to it […]

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Yet Another Wine Selection Epic Fail: Fifty Shades of Red … Wine

Dear Wine Retailer: If you really want to stay in  business, you need to help customers find a wine THEY will like. Not a wine YOU feel they SHOULD like. Vino-Masochism: Fifty Shades of Red … Wine I was feeling vino-masochistic Saturday afternoon because wanted t0 drink some wine that I had not tried before. […]

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The Wasted $40 Wine Lesson: How Club W’s taste profile put this user in the right ballpark, but wrong game

I continually shop for new wines like an average consumer. I do this to get put of the “wine bubble” that keeps reality at an arm’s length for so many wine geeks, fans, enthusiasts, spectators, aficionados, and members of the trade. How by-the-glass doesn’t work and can trash a winery’s reputation When Rogue Wine Calibration […]

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Research Study Examines Public Perception of California’s Wine-Producing Regions

Results Show Residents Value Economic and Agricultural Contributions over Concerns ROHNERT PARK, California – The Wine Business Institute (WBI) at Sonoma State University (SSU) today announced preliminary results of a study designed to examine Californians’ perceptions of the wine industry and its impact on quality of life in five of the state’s wine-producing regions. ​Results […]

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How by-the-glass wine sales can trash your reputation

Lately, I’ve had some really awful glasses of what might actually be decent wine. And they were all by-the-glass at places that should know better. Like ordinary consumers, by-the-glass is a great opportunity to try new wines without having to buy a whole bottle. But mishandling wines sold by the glass by a restaurant or bar […]

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My $100 Wine Lesson: Sometimes rogue wine calibration bites you in the … glass

Call this my $100 lesson. Those of you who have followed my mishaps in trying to buy wine like the average consumer are familiar with the Vino Casino and how the House odds are massively stacked against the consumer (THE PROBLEM: Casino Recommendations). If you followed that, you know that I believe the inability to […]

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Je Suis Hosemaster: Save your sense of humor (and money) #NoRiedel.

So, I am hoping that Tim Atkin and Ron Washam don’t sue me for copyright violation, but I am reprinting this so that the humorless law-droids for the even more humorless George Riedel will have another target to shoot at. Why? Because the maker of over-priced wine glasses has no sense of humor, no idea […]

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Rocky Fire Impacting Lake CountyReal Estate Transactions

The following is from a mass emailing from the Lake County Association of Realtors “There are three things I would like to cover regarding the Rocky Fire’s affect on the real estate community: “1) Insurance Moratorium – Several agents have reported that closings are being affected because an insurance moratorium has been put into place […]

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Dear Delectable … Accuracy counts. And “no-reply” emails just piss people off!

Dear Delectable: Accuracy counts. As I  pointed out in my Delectable posting, your system did NOT recognize the wine correctly. AND … you provide no way to make a correction. AND you send me an email I can’t reply to. AND … NOPE! Not the wine as Delectable labeled it!.This was a Cabernet Sauvignon. Vivino […]

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Gallup Poll Shows French Paradox dying on the vine

Indifference by industry groups like The Wine Institute combined with ramped-up efforts by anti-alcohol groups are taking their toll on public perception. Gallup found that “The percentage of those viewing alcohol as beneficial is the lowest Gallup has found in this 15-year trend.” Source: Gallup

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