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Are You A Drunk? And Don’t Know it?

The now well-scientifically-established French Paradox — which has driven a wine/health craze  since the pivotal 60 Minutes Episode on Nov. 17, 1991 — is all about moderate consumption. Red wine sales increased 44% after the broadcast … dropped off a bit, then soared again a year later when the program was re-broadcast. As a whole, […]

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Irrational Exuberance And The Resveratrol Trap

Today’s headlines say it all … From the rational (#1) to the irrational (#3): Scientists shed light on how resveratrol works Health Benefits of Resveratrol in Red Wine Scientists develop red wine “wonder pill” I hate to be a buzzkill, but all of the research confirms two things: People who consume moderate amounts of alcohol […]

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Online Content, Prostitution & Disclosure

The following piece from today’s San Francisco Chronicle,  (“Snowcial – social media’s peak networking“) touches on a potentially unsound and possibly illegal practice if done incorrectly: “David Armano, managing director, Edelman Digital: ‘Journalists and newspapers are now doing paid content. The days are over for separation of church and state, editorial and advertising. The lines […]

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Newest Diet Study: Good News – And A Caution

Yes, the latest news  on the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet is welcome amid the constant flood of anti-alcohol news and badly done studies, even if the wine part was buried or absent from many of the news articles. THE CAUTION The anti-Mediterranean diet folks and the NeoProhibitionists, however, are a lot quicker on […]

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Rats in Paradise: A NeoProhibitionist Parable

Living in wine country isn’t exactly paradise, but it’s damn close. Here, west of the town of Sonoma, snuggled up to the mountains that separate us from the Petaluma valley, we’re pretty well surrounded by vineyards …  and farms running over with olive trees, veggies, horses, llamas, cows, ostriches and more. There’s a dressage facility […]

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A Credible, Thorough But Completely Hidden Review Of The Latest Cancer/Alcohol Study

Tuesday Morning Update: This story has legs, folks: Even moderate drinking can raise your risk of cancer. Is anyone tracking articles like this one? And sending them a context email with an easily digested version of Dr. Ellison’s critique? And the full critique? ELLISON CRITIQUE PUBLISHED 2 WEEKS AGO, NO ONE KNEW William “Rusty” Gaffney, […]

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You Were Warned! Will The Newest Alcohol & Cancer Piece Be The “Anti-French Paradox?”

This has long been on the horizon. I’ve written about the wine industry’s malignant neglect of the health issues until I simply stopped because the industry is asleep at the wheel, doesn’t care whether the French Paradox goes down the drain, or is just too fat to get off its collective gluteus maximii. See the […]

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New Market Enforcement Branch Laws For Wineries & Wine Grape Buyers

Newcomers to the field  should be aware that is is illegal to buy winegrapes without a processor’s license from the Market Enforcement Branch of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. 2013 SEES STIFF NEW PENALTIES FOR PROCESSORS The following comes from the Market Enforcement Branch of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. With the […]

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WineAmerica Taps Chandler As New Exec Director

From NEWS RELEASE WineAmerica, the national organization of American wineries, has selected Mark Chandler as its Executive Director, effective in February 2013. The national winery organization, with hundreds of members from 48 states, is focused on grassroots-powered public policy advocacy primarily on the federal level, but also provides a centralized communications capability for wineries and […]

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Champagne market woes far from over in 2013

From The Reims Management School: Reims Professor Predicts Another Flat Year The Eurozone crisis has significantly impacted the Champagne market, which has seen worldwide year on year shipments down 6.5% in the first half of 2012. And experts fear that year-end results will reveal an even more difficult year than 2011, especially as the countries […]

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