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Wine Fumbles Health Issue, Spirits Industry Picks Up Ball

I’ve written frequently on the fact that the American wine industry is asleep at the wheel when it comes to countering the surge in anti-alcohol sentiment. This is especially true when it comes to the California Wine Institute, the largest wine trade organization in America. Despite its neglect of the wine and health issue, the […]

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Wine Economists Set Annual Meeting, Offer Some Interesting Papers To Read

The following email arrived today from Karl Storchmann, VP  of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) and Managing Editor of Wine Economics: Dear wine friends, The 6th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) will be held at Princeton University from June 7-10, 2012. The Call for Papers is still active. […]

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Some Pre-Release Crush Report Buzz

TURRENTINE BROKERAGE “The Crush Report is likely to show that the 2011 California wine grape crop decreased from 2010 for most of the key varieties. The growing season was especially challenging in 2011, with relatively cool weather, incidents of frost damage and problematic rains as harvest approached. This lighter crop comes at a time when […]

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Beer With Dinner, Again

I’m as close as this industry gets to a regular wine drinker. I don’t get pallet-loads of free wine (nor do I want them).I buy my wine. It used to be that my wife and I would split a bottle of wine with dinner each night. But increasingly, we drink beer because the wine we […]

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2011 California: Short But Good? Maybe, Maybe Not.

Short But Good was such an incessant mantra for the 2011 crush that it devolved into a drinking game. BUT … was it true? Not so much. At least, not according to some of the remarkable data from a survey from Burr Pilger Mayer’s Winery and Vineyard team of CPAs. According to their Survey #2 […]

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It’s The Alcohol, Stupid! Looking At The Wine Industry’s Bone-Headed Fumble

The wine industry’s lack of an organized and sustained effort to correct mistakes and misconceptions in the press means that an increasing number of people believe that the cardioprotective effects of moderate alcohol consumption can be had without alcohol consumption. Science does not support that fact. Yet, the wine industry — especially red wine producers […]

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Wine, Miscarriage … Broken Links & A Broken Advocacy System

Wine, Miscarriage … Broken Links & A Broken Advocacy System

I had a nice email conversation today  with a reader who wrote to say that a link in today’s News Fetch (Moderate Drinking and Miscarriage Linked) was broken. I HATE when that happens because I personally click every link three times before it goes out. As it turns out, the Discovery News web site was […]

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eWinery Solutions And Its Unclear PR Thinking

eWinery Solutions Introduces Powerful Business Intelligence Reporting for Wineries and Wine Retailers What does it DO? “Powerful” means what? (Meaningless adjective) And lower down they tell us this is “best of breed.” And that is equally meaningless without data to back it up. This is the worst, wandering news release of the year … so […]

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Napa Vintners & Sonoma State University Partner on MBA

News Release :1/17/2012 St Helena, CA–Sonoma State University (SSU) and the Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) announced today its partnership in bringing the university’s Executive Masters of Business Administration program (EMBA) to the Napa Valley to help wine professionals in the region meet their advanced educational goals in winery management. SSU is now accepting applications for […]

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TTB Goes: “Hey, Like …. UH … duuude! … I am sooo totally wasted on … wasted on .. uh…whatever”

Perhaps this is an existential cry for help. Perhaps an Ernest Hemingway-esque rant (Nada, nada, nada …) on the futility of TTB compliance. Or something to do with Sartre’s Being and Nothingness. Perhaps, it’s the sort of stoned-from-smoking-your-shorts babbling that passes for communications among the vast wasteland of Washington D.C. today. I worked there once […]

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