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Pay-For-Play Government: Lobby Bucks Needed For The Wine Consumer

Persuasion, coercion and an occasional rational argument. Looks like the wine industry will need a no-fly zone just to stay alive.

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Pay-For-Play Government: The REAL Reason Beer Always Wins

Just in case the delusional among us might think that issues are dealt with on their merits. If you add up the forces against direct shipping it’s easy to see how beer and wholesalers have bought this issue and locked it up tight. Sadly, votes go where the money is. The wine industry can’t even […]

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WSWA Applauds RE-Introduction of Wholesaler-Backed Bill To Block Direct Shipping & Consumer Choice

NEWS RELEASE March 17, 2011 Washington, D.C.—Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) today introduced legislation that will help keep the regulation of alcohol in the hands of locally-elected officials. Chaffetz was joined by Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), Howard Coble (R-N.C.), John Conyers (D-Mich.), Ted Deutch (D-Fla.), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.) in sponsoring […]

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Damn Tough To Be A Farmer in Oz

Just a few of the recent headlines. Biblical plagues and more. You gotta be Road Warrior tough to make it in Australian Ag. Worm explosion hurting sheep flock First locusts, then floods, now more locusts Severe flystrike hitting Victorian sheep Fight starts against second locust wave Cyclone system drenches inland Queensland Spur-throated locusts on the […]

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Offal News Releases: Is There A Pony In Here Somewhere?

WJ Deutsch & Sons Becomes Exclusive Sales and Marketing Agent for Three … and blah, blah, blah, blargh … so far no actual news. The news anyone may care about lies buried beneath a long, wandering headline. Some are worse than this, some are better. It’s just surprising to find from two highly respected companies […]

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From Facebook: Time Saturday, January 29 · 2:00pm – 5:00pm Location Cosentino Winery Napa Valley Tasting Room (Yountville) 7415 St. Helena Hwy Yountville, CA Created By Cosentino Winery Napa Valley More Info Please join Cosentino Winery this weekend – January 29-30, 2011 – from 2-5p both days for our OFFICIAL Re-opening! Come check out the […]

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Snooth & CellarTracker – Legal & Ethical Ain’t Always The Same

Point. Counterpoint. Vintank’s Paul Mabray has written two blog posts ( #1 here and #2 here) on what he sees as Snooth’s improper use of CellarTracker tags by Snooth. Snooth has responded twice: in a Cyril Penn blog post at Wine Business Insider Blog, and in Snooth Founder Phillip James’ blog. In essence, Mabray has […]

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WELL DUH! – Argentina pulls ahead of Chile in wine exports to U.S.

This shouldn’t come as any surprise to anybody: Argentina pulls ahead of Chile in wine exports to U.S. Chile right now has a crisis because their peso is strong against almost every other currency, especially the dollar. (Click on “view” — right-hand box — for the one-year chart.) The Argentinian peso is the ONLY currency […]

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Crappy Writing = No Coverage

The press release, below, missed today’s News Fetch because there was nothing in the headline … or even the first paragraph that indicated a wine connection. In addition to failing the “who the hell cares?” test, the first paragraph is so obtusely stuffed with way, way, way too many irrelevant details that it sends the […]

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Apple Fan Boy App Denial

The Fan Boys are in denial. Time and time again, an app gets released with no Android support … or maybe a crippled version for the Droid world. As this piece clearly shows: Android Nipping at iOS’ Heels in Market Share [STATS] that practice can only hurt profits and good will. Sure, developing an app […]

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