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Beatbox leads Millennials to wine by selling the party (and not mentioning wine!) Did Mark Cuban buy into the future or another Annie Green Springs?

This is part 1 pf a 2-part premium double feature. The second article is at: BeatBox bests Saucey, moves into #16 position in Wine Tech fundings with $15.87 million.   It’s fun, cheap, tasty/fruity, quaffable, intoxicating and all dressed up to party! Especially for the younger demographic that segues toward GenZ.   But is it […]

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UPDATED: Wine Institute receives $6,482,501 from USDA Market Promotion Program for Export Promotion

  UPDATE:   On Feb. 12, the USDA released a list of ATP Funding Allocations which confirmed that The Wine Institute received $9,789,190. However, it is unclear and unstated whether this amount is in addition to the $6,482,501 from USDA Market Promotion Program previously reported by Wine Industry Insight.   The USDA has not responded […]

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Looking for (and finding!) some bright spots amid the wine gloom

Silicon Valley Bank’s Rob McMillan and Nielsen’s Danny Brager have laid a sobering dose of reality on the wine industry in the past month.   However, this sort of adverse warning of a storm ahead — delivered in a timely fashion — can help batten down hatches, reinforce the keep, offer a different compass heading, […]

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John Duarte is out to prove that junk science unjustly railroaded his federal court case

“We had expert reports to argue with that covered same ground with less detail and passion. None of it mattered because summary judgement ruled that we were guilty before we could put on a defense. Then judge dismissed our expert reports before penalty phase.” — John Duarte Farmer and rootstock nurseryman John Duarte believes that […]

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PG&E filed for bankruptcy today: What does that mean + Court Filings

PG&E Bankruptcy’s Ripple Effects Will be Felt Beyond California PG&E Files for Bankruptcy Protection in Face of Large Wildfire Liabilities Court Filings for Wine Executive News Premium Subscribers Main Bankruptcy Filing Main Bankruptcy Filing Largest Creditors who are not insiders The rest of this article along with the full docket text are available to Wine […]

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California wine: Do we have a supply problem or do we actually have a demand problem?

We don’t get hung up on one large crop or a flat shipment market, but rather look to what opportunities we have to control our own destiny through appealing to the next-generation consumer and continually adjusting our supply base to best match demand of the future.   By Jeff Bitter President, Allied Grape Growers (This […]

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New DTC Report long on data tidbits, marred by errors and unsupported claims, short on context or actionable info

The the 2019 Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Wine Shipping Report from Sovos and Wines & Vines Analytics is long on data tidbits and breathless prose,  incorrect information, misleading or unsupported claims and a lack of context, transparency and credibility. It contains no credibly actionable data and fails to disclose significant methodology, data sources or margins of error that […]

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Venture investments in wine – 2019 gets started: Top 48 total approaches $1 Bil – + Vinebox & update

The total venture investment in the top 48 U.S.-based wine companies has hit at least $924.4 million. I say “at least” because these are just the numbers I can confirm. The industry’s propensity to hide every investment like a dog buries a bone means that the total is most likely greater than $1 billion. Top […]

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FULL COVERAGE: Supreme Court Justices Express Skepticism of Tenn Liquor Law

Full transcript of January 16 oral arguments available at this link Supreme Court justices seem skeptical of Tenn. residency requirement for liquor store owners – The Washington Post Tennessee Wine and Spirits Retailers Ass’n v. Blair – Legal Analysis, Cornell Law School Justices weigh text and history of 21st Amendment in challenge to state residency […]

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Silicon Valley Bank 2019 State of the Wine Industry: 7 Headwinds, 7 Tailwinds

2019 SVB State of the Wine Industry Report & Videocast will be held today, Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. PT or 12:30 p.m. ET. Sign up to view live videocast at this link. The following are extracts from the 2019 State of the Wine Industry Report by Silicon Valley Bank   The grape […]

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