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Napa’s Sutter Home Hammers Amador Wineries, Claims It Trademarked “Sutter”

Sutter Home Winery has been hammering small Amador County vintners with legal threats, claiming that it has trademarked the word “Sutter” and is vowing to enforce it against all comers. Amador County newspaper, the Ledger-Dispatch, has reporting that at least three wine-related businesses in or around the town of Sutter Creek, have been coerced by […]

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Boxes and $20+ Wines Lead June/July Sales, Champagne Flops

Domestic table wine sales continued to climb in the four-week period ending July 12, 2009. VIP Subscribers click here to read complete, un-redacted article. During the same period, imports edged into negative territory.  According to Wine Industry Insight’s analysis of data from Information Resources Inc, U.S. wines posted a 5.1 percent gain for the over […]

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IBG Gets New Vine In Auction With No Bids

The Inertia Beverage Group auction of New Vine Logistics assets was over before it began, according to the few who attended the 10 a.m. gathering today at the offices of IBG’s San Francisco law firm, Cooley Godward, Kronish. THREE COMPANIES REPRESENTED Those attending said that, other than IBG, three firms were represented: Wine.Com, WTN Services […]

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‘Bama Bible Bangers Blow Tops Over “Porn” Wine Label

The ‘Bama Taliban still rule down in the Bible Belt. But what can you say about folks whose idea of erotic vibration comes from a chain saw? The whole turgid tale is told by Bill Leigon, President of Hahn Family Wines which produces Cycles Gladiator Wines. Leigon said that the wines, ” available to consumers […]

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Conti Chapter 11: Bank Pressing Foreclosure, Liquidation in Store?

The Bank of Alameda — which holds more than $3.5 million in liens against the Conti Estate/Charles B. Mitchell Winery — has mounted a full-court press to foreclose on the winery property, equipment and inventory. If approved, the move could make a Chapter 7 liquidation more likely. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District […]

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Bidders For New Vine Assets Say Auction Process Biased To Favor IBG

The assets of New Vine Logistics (NVL) will almost certainly wind up in the hands of Inertia Beverage Group (IBG) say both currently registered bidders and those who have dropped out of the July 27 auction because of what they allege is a “stacked deck.” PROCESS LIKENED TO  “INSIDER TRADING” While Silicon Valley auction house, […]

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Scattered Consumption Pattern for June 2009 Could Indicate Transition To Higher-Priced Sales

The June 2009 scanner data from Information Resources Inc. shows that consumers continued the inconsistencies from May. While lower price-points dominated as expected, some pricey wine segments substantially out-performed more value-priced bottles. The good news could be that the  scattered consumption pattern may indicate a transition period as consumers see better times and are willing […]

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IBG Lawyers Bully Wine Industry Insight Over Leaked Brochure

A law firm representing Inertia Beverage Group (IBG)  sent a threatening letter on July 14 to Wine Industry Insight demanding that it remove IBG’s Series C offering brochure from an article published on its web site on July 8 (IBG Looking For $24 to $29 Million, “Do Or Die” To Acquire New Vine Assets) The […]

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IBG Delays Auction, Threatens Potential Investors, Contends With NVL Palace Coup

Multiple sources noted Monday that the Inertia Beverage Group/New Vine saga has gotten weird enough to merit its own reality show. While developments have been sketchy, Wine Industry Insight has managed to corroborate the following with multiple sources familiar with the events: NEW VINE AUCTION DELAYED IBG has delayed the auction of New Vine’s assets […]

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IBG Looking For $24 to $29 Million, “Do Or Die” To Acquire New Vine Assets

IBG has been working since late 2008 to raise additional funds for its operations which lost more than $5 million last year on revenues of $1.2 million. According to page 11 of the company’s current Series C offering circular [$VIP] the company is looking to raise $15 to $25 million “to complete development of next […]

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