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In news, we DON’T trust: Global majority distrust mainstream & social media

Source: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

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U.S. is 4th WORST in organic vineyards among major global wine grape growers

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Be careful when you click! Malware on advertising networks is soaring

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“Click and collect” grocery shopping is a growing thing. How is wine going to handle that?

“Click and collect” grocery shopping is a growing thing. How is wine going to handle that? Especially when so many wines are selected by label appeal at point-of-purchase? Source: Nielsen

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Mega-bucks are flooding cannabis start-ups. These are the largest VC-funded companies

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Just when you’re getting social media down, young adults are abandoning it.

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Wine-food pairing more difficult for Millennial eating habits

Source: Bernstein via Business Insider

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This is the year California turned from a white wine state to red

Source: The Wine Gourd

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U.S. not really a wine drinking country? Poor showing in per-capita spending indicates huge room for improvement.

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Your youngest legal wine drinkers are no longer Millennials – get used to it.

Source: Pew Research Center The Generation without a label: “Post Millennial? iGen? GenZ?” Pew came up with “Post-Millennial” and the New York Times tried to crowdsource a name and came up short. Regardless, they are coming of age and their attitudes are very different from Millennials. Better start now to think how you are going […]

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