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Wine Consumption Recovers From Spring Decline

Source: Morning Consult

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Crypto Ownership Dominated By Millennials, GenZ Adults & Upper Income Men

Source: Morning Consult Crypto Report

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The Strong Dollar May Help Wine Imports, But Cut Your Cost of Barrels & Other Imported Goods.

Source: New York Times

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Teleworking plunges in first half of 2022

Source: Axios

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The supply chain crisis is healing, but weaker demand might increase the pain

Source: Bloomberg (Paywall?)

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COVID Spurred A Major U.S. Migration. Where Did Your Customers Move?

Interactive chart at the source: Axios

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E-Commerce’s COVID Retail Market Share Boost Seems To Have Continued (Excluding Auto & Gas)

Source:  FTI Consulting 2022 Online Retail Forecast Report.

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Old-School Emails Continue To Deliver Sales Results

Source: Marketing Charts

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New Weather Normal: Wildfires Followed by Severe Rain Will Become More Common

More charts at the source: Scientific American

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5% = 25% to 95% — How That Affects Your Business Profits.

Source for the above: Bain & Co Prescription for cutting costs.   Sources: 1. Company SEC filings. 2. Average customer retention rate by industry — 3. Silicon Valley Bank 2021 Direct-To-Consumer Survey 4. Private offering statements More relevant data at: Future Drinks Expo Presentation by Revolution Algorithms

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