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Reopening: Consumer Uncertainty Declines, But Vast Majority Unready To Resume Activities in Next Month

Only about 1 in 5 respondents said they’d feel comfortable going out to eat in the next month. Source: Morning Consult

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Italy reigns in global bottled wine exports; Spain #1 in bulk. U.S. also ran: OIV

Source: OIV: International Organisation of Vine and Wine

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It’s finally Official! Millennials have now overtaken Boomers as largest US Generation

Source: Pew Research

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More than 2 in 5 Voters view Small-Business Lending Program as unfair

What’s your experience? Email Lew about it Source: Morning Consulting

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DTC wine free shipping is #1 COVID marketing tactic says #SupportOurWineries

Source: #SupportOurWineries campaign survey of wineries Previous Daily Data features on the critical value of Free Shipping to DTC Nearly 60% of respondents are at least somewhat likely to abandon their cart if free shipping is not offered. Wine DTC vendors beware! Free shipping is still the #1 online purchase driver. #2 won’t help you […]

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While COV-19 wine sales rose, Millennials and GenZ went for beer, spirits & non-alc bevs

Source: Wine Intelligence US COVID-19 Impact Report

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States opening up — How does wine fit in with 82% of Americans uneasy about eating out? 87% reluctant to party?

Source: Morning Consult

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6 things you must do to reopen your workplace safely

Source: Cushman & Wakefield  

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How is wine going to fit in with COVID’s changes in America’s favorite activities?

Source: Morning Consult

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COVID data: Wineries continue to gain customers even as club cancellations outpace new signups

Source: Commerce7 (10-page data data deck, at this link)

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