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There are 3.2 billion reasons to use social media marketing

Source: Branex via WineGlass Marketing

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Taste is genetically unique which is why tasting notes and ratings aren’t universally valid from person to person

Source: :”Different noses for different people,” — Idan Menashe, Orna Man, Doron Lancet & Yoav Gilad. Nature Genetics, 5 May 2003; doi:10.1038/ng1160

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California Cannabis Wines Aim For Mainstream Acceptance – Chart of 19 PubPotCos


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Track Coronavirus real-time with this interactive global dashboard from Johns Hopkins University

Interactive dashboard at source: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE

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Calif starts to dodge the wine grape oversupply bullet: Crush drops 9.1%, prices down 7.8%

Source: Ciatti Company

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These are the tools you need for engaging your DTC customers – Section Two in the DTC Flywheel

The DTC Wine Vendor Flywheel is put together by Paul Mabray with the help of Erica Gomez with the goal of helping wineries discover and navigate the crowded landscape of DTC wine vendors. To help absorb the big chart in well-measured courses, Erica Gomez has served up smaller portions with a guide to each one. […]

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California’s wine future remains RED! – AGG Nursery Survey

Source: Jeff Bitter – Allied Grape Growers presentation at 2020 Unified Wine & Grape Symposium

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Email benchmarks may — or may not — be useful: Depends upon who you ask?

Source: eMarketer BOTTOM LINE: Open rates are irrelevant unless you are getting measurable results. The only thing that counts is whether an email measures up to your own financial expectations or other organizational goals. Don’t send an email without first setting your own results goals. Open rate and other metrics do not necessarily equal success. […]

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21 Generational differences between Boomers and Millennials that you MUST use when selling wine

Source: Silicon Valley Bank State of the Wine Industry Report 2019

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Friends, family & product reviews vital for Millennial/GenZ purchase decisions.

Source: Morning Consult via eMarketer

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