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You’re a Traffic Thief If …

I enjoyed Jo Diaz’s piece yesterday: Copyright infringement still ticks me off, especially when requests for removal are ignored. In fact, I had been thinking about writing a piece on this myself, inspired by one of the links in her post: Business Insider, over-aggregation, and the mad grab for traffic. The issue here is theft: […]

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Journalism’s Slippery Slope

This piece: It’s time to admit that journalists are human beings is part candor and part slippery slope. “In the wake of the sanctioning of a public-radio host for being involved in an Occupy Wall Street protest, former Slate media critic Jack Shafer says that media outlets should stop trying to force their journalists to […]

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Stinky Slanted Word Choice Of The Day

We all know that PR people are paid to make their clients look as good as possible. There are some solid PR professionals out there who know that good PR is good journalism from the client’s standpoint. But, then there are the not-so-solid who churn out some pretty arrogant, odious and otherwise distasteful writing and […]

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Weary, Trite, Worn-Out, Lame Wine Headlines

Don’t. Just don’t. They ain’t cute. They ain’t clever. They ain’t creative. And they’re NOT going to help you. (Now where did I put the Kaopectate?) Wine no more for me, my darling Chinese and French wine experts trying to put a cork in counterfeit wine Wineries uncork predictive analytics … Drink in the best […]

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The Worst News News Release Of The Year (So Far)

A few days ago, writer friend and long-time colleague Paul Franson emailed me to say that I should devote some attention in News Fetch to news releases with LONG HEADLINES IN ALL CAPS. And then yesterday, along comes the news release below that is so bad in so many ways that it gets its own […]

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Everything That’s Wrong in Wine Writing: In One Sentence

“The wine starts off tightly citrus in the glass and then unwinds into a floral arrangement like something by Provençal painter Louis Janse van Rensburg, as it slowly warms up.” This über-grandiose, über-snobby shard of vino-babble illustrates the nauseating depths to which wine writing all too often sinks. Strap on your little white barf bag […]

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Why I Am Trademarking Pi

Given the fact that Gallo sues the hell out of anyone named Gallo or anybody that uses the term “Rooster” or “Thunderbird” etc. on anything including nail polish, salt & pepper shakers and shoes, and, Given the fact that Apple is now trademarking the numeral 280,and Given that lots of other wine industry numb-nuts have […]

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Editorial or Advertorial: What’s the Difference?

This piece from the Online Journalism Review:  Editorial or Advertorial: What’s the Difference?, is a blast from the past … 1998 to be exact. It shows that today’s blogvertorial controversy is nothing new at all. Obviously performance-based advertising is not evil thing so long as the line between editorial and advertising is clear, prominent and […]

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Blogvertorials – How NOT To Sell Your Soul For $200

The value of journalism lies in the information presented and the credibility of the information. Those define the quality of the “product” being presented. Product is devalued of either of those suffer. This is a key reason why respected newspapers and magazines have long made sure that readers have no doubt that advertorials — paid […]

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A Good Article Spoiled By Nauseating, Self-Congratulatory Hype

I was about to add the news, below, under the “TOP NEWS” in today’s News Fetch until I read the first sentence containing the following: “the highly trusted bulk wine and grape brokerage company…” Gag me with a bung puller. True, Bill Turrentine certainly IS highly respected, no doubt. But this sort of self-celebratory offal […]

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