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Advertisers & Editors: Beware Of Using Flash

Bandwidth is not free. Comcast and other Internet providers are enforcing stiff bandwidth limits on its customers Videos, advertisements and and other Flash graphics are bandwidth hogs and those that start automatically consume a user’s allotment regardless of whether they’re interested or not. Stiff fines await users exceeding their rations. That makes this a dollars […]

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Worst News Release Of The Year (so far): ShopDragon & World of Wine Festival

Entire release below. Any clue as to WHEN THE BLOODY FESTIVAL TAKES PLACE? Yes, yes I am shouting. Every morning, every day, I get a flood of badly written news releases but this one takes the cake. Few PR people these days have ever been  journalists. Some do an excellent job despite that, but way […]

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All The Wine Industry News: Not Just The Feel-Good Stuff

I get complaints now and then about the selection of articles for News Fetch and Wine Industry Insight. The most frequent  gripe comes over why I select articles dealing with alcohol abuse or those with an obvious NeoProhibitionist slant. Why do it? Because being informed means having all the information, not just the feel-good stuff. […]

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Offal News Releases: Is There A Pony In Here Somewhere?

WJ Deutsch & Sons Becomes Exclusive Sales and Marketing Agent for Three … and blah, blah, blah, blargh … so far no actual news. The news anyone may care about lies buried beneath a long, wandering headline. Some are worse than this, some are better. It’s just surprising to find from two highly respected companies […]

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Crappy Writing = No Coverage

The press release, below, missed today’s News Fetch because there was nothing in the headline … or even the first paragraph that indicated a wine connection. In addition to failing the “who the hell cares?” test, the first paragraph is so obtusely stuffed with way, way, way too many irrelevant details that it sends the […]

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Expensive Pitfalls of Online Endorsement and Testimonial Advertising

FROM MCAFEE & TAFT’S NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER More and more companies are seeking ways to establish an Internet presence to promote their products and services. The industry phrase the “Twitter Effect” refers to the instantaneous consumer-to-consumer feedback that drives customer decisions, such as instantaneous reviews of a movie on its opening night. Forward-looking companies are increasingly […]

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None of Your Damned Business! Get Lost!

EDITORIAL Getting any sort of accurate news from many wine companies is like trying to figure out who’s running the Kremlin by watching who is standing next to whom at the Mayday parade. But the old Kremlin apparatchiks have nothing on Jackson Family Wines. The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat’s Kevin McCallum did the best he could […]

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