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Wine, Beer, Cream Cheese, Trademarks & A Correction

Trademarks are valuable pieces of intellectual property, that help define a company or  product and differentiate it from competitors. Trademarks can create memorable impressions that allow consumers to identify a given product or company. Great sums and efforts are often expended by companies to raise awareness of trademarks and build their value in customers’ minds. […]

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Silicon Valley Bank Foresees Breakout Year Ahead for US Fine Wine Business

Annual State of the Wine Industry Report Forecasts Growth in 2015: Increased Demand for Fine Wine Driven by an Improving Economy 14-18% Sales Growth Higher Bottle Prices NEWS RELEASE – ST. HELENA, Calif. –– January 21, 2015 — Silicon Valley Bank, will release its Annual State of the Wine Industry Report in a live broadcast from the SVB […]

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Berryessa-Snow Mountain National Monument: Big Impact On N. Coast Wine Country

Source: LA Times

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Freedom Is Never Free

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Indian Reservations: Get Stoned & Gamble?

According to the Associated Press: “GRANTS PASS, Ore. — Indian tribes can grow and sell marijuana on their lands as long as they follow the same federal conditions laid out for states that have legalized the drug, the U.S. Justice Department said Thursday.” According to the article, It remains to be seen how many reservations […]

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Why You Should Never Announce an Announcement

“Announce” is redundant. It is a bland boring word, kind of like cheap corn filler or  ground beef. It dilutes your message and wastes the precious few words you have to grab a potential reader’s attention. The fact that you have sent out a press release or other announcement is proof that you have “announced.” […]

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Wine Algorithms, Critics & Apps Can All Be Friends

Matt Kramer makes some awesomely accurate points in his Wine Spectator article today. His points about algorithms as they exist today are on point. But he misses how a good algorithm can be an adjunct (not a replacement) for critics,mexpert evaluations and even existing wine apps. ALGORITHMS ARE NOT ENTERTAINING First of all, algorithms are […]

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Next Glass: A Step In Solving Wine Rating’s Genetic Issues

This article reprinted in full by permission of Recommendation Insights. Copyright 2014, All rights reserved by that publication   NOTE: This article uses “wine” to avoid having to type “beer or wine” everywhere. But, unless noted otherwise, a reference to wine refers to both beer and wine. The Next Glass wine and beer selection app […]

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Sun Sets On Coalition for Free Trade

NEWS RELEASE November 24, 2014, San Francisco, Calif. – The Coalition for Free Trade (CFT), established by vintners in 1995 as a non-profit organization seeking judicial relief from laws prohibiting direct-to-consumer shipments, has ended all activities after achieving significant victories for wineries and wine lovers alike. “We can celebrate a rare occasion—an industry association opened […]

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WineGavel Saga Finally Over As Founder Pleads Guilty

Justice has finally caught up to Wine Gavel founder Joshua Krummenoehl who, according to the Wine Spectator, has agreed to pay more than $500,000 in restitution. WineGavel Saga First Broken At Wine Industry Insight In 2012 This has been an ongoing saga ever since Wine Industry Insight first broke the story in March 2012: Final […]

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