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Shortage? Or Not? Are Growers About To Over-Plant Again?

The most recent issue of the Allied Grape Growers Newsletter that landed in my email this morning raises some very important questions about supply, un-counted acreage and asks some really vital questions about whether to join the planting frenzy. The following is from the newsletter which you can read in its entirety by clicking here. […]

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The $1,000 Wine App: PA Pushes The Envelope of Cluelessness

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is marketing a $999.99 ‘Millionaire’s Wine App.’ Something this ridiculous is its own parody that’s impossible to top. So read on. Description (from iTunes) Exclusivity, Luxury, Privilege. VIP Black, ‘The Millionaire’s App’, is the first and only premium lifestyle application for the iPhone. Members receive ‘VIP Treatment’ – personalised attention […]

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(This is an excerpt from today’s News Fetch … excerpted here for my colleague Chris Rauber at the SF Business Times who has been suffering from a big flack attack. See Twitter thread below) AMATEUR, ARROGANT, WANDERING NEWS RELEASE OF THE DAY There might actually be news here, but this transcendentally offal news release won’t […]

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Wilson Purchase Of Blackstone Winery Confirmed

As Wine Industry Insight reported in its April 24 premium subscriber issue of Wine Executive News, Ken Wilson’s purchase of the Blackstone Winery in Kenwood has been confirmed. For details, please see: “Wilson adds Blackstone winery to growing portfolio.”

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Experience: The News Fetch, News Difference

NEWS SELECTED BASED ON YEARS OF EXPERIENCE On a typical Monday through Friday, News Fetch gives its subscribers from 40 to 70 article links, organized from most important to articles of interest but lesser importance. News Fetch articles are not randomly selected or chosen by a computer. Wine Industry Insight and News Fetch editor Lewis […]

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Your Wine Industry Ad Dollars Will Work Harder, Go Farther With News Fetch

Click here to email Lewis Perdue with any questions you might have.   NEWS FETCH: 2X THE SUBSCRIBERS AT 1/3 THE COST News Fetch offers the largest subscriber base of any daily wine industry news round-up. It also provides subscribers with the industry’s most relevant and valuable articles selected by the most experienced wine business […]

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Ascentia & Gallo: Another Piece Of The Scattered Puzzle

Cyril Penn over at WineBusiness.Com looks to have found another piece in the scattered puzzle pieces left by the Ascentia implosion. In his blog piece, Gallo Going to Washington?, Penn writes: “While chatting with some leading figures in the Washington wine industry yesterday I learned that E&J Gallo is expected to purchase Columbia Winery and […]

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Naked Wines invests $8m in 22 winemakers in USA and Australia

NEWS RELEASE May 6, 2012   Naked Wines, the UK’s fastest growing online wine retailer, is investing £5.5m in 2012 to help 22 talented winemakers from the USA and Australia to set up or build their own businesses. Among the projects are: AUD $400K to help Sam Plunkett, who made the Best Shiraz in Australia […]

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Story on Minors & Online Sales Disappears – WTF?

This article disappeared from the web right before I sent out News Fetch this morning: I tried to track down the “WTF?” factor. Couldn’t believe my eyes, so I re-Googled. Got this: And ALL of those links now fail to find the original article. No one at television station WFMY in Greensboro NC was available […]

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Effective Advertising: Good News & Bad For Mayacamas

Received in today’s email: Dear Mr. Perdue We are receiving many inquiries asking if this winery is for sale due to your website item listing “Mayacamas Vineyard” for sale, which we are not. Please release a correction indicating that the well known Napa county winery Mayacamas Vineyards is not for sale but a Sonoma county […]

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