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A Good Article Spoiled By Nauseating, Self-Congratulatory Hype

I was about to add the news, below, under the “TOP NEWS” in today’s News Fetch until I read the first sentence containing the following: “the highly trusted bulk wine and grape brokerage company…” Gag me with a bung puller. True, Bill Turrentine certainly IS highly respected, no doubt. But this sort of self-celebratory offal […]

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Texas Wine Industry Urges Drinkers to Drink Texan or Go Thirsty

Just received this news release. The program seems to follow the path pioneered by Australia. I suppose you might as well do this since the totalitarian influences at the Texas ABC, UPS and FedEx have told consumers to go screw themselves when it comes to wine choice. ————————— NEWS RELEASE ————————- For Immediate Release: June […]

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Wine & Spirits Education Trust Adopts Hanni Principles

NEWS RELEASE Napa CA, June 7, 2011 — The London-based Wine & Spirits Education Trust, the major international beverage educational association, is adopting the wine-and-food program espoused by Tim Hanni, M.W., after his visit this month. Hanni’s principles focus on individual preferences and eliminates the inference, “we know what you should like better than you […]

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Advertisers & Editors: Beware Of Using Flash

Bandwidth is not free. Comcast and other Internet providers are enforcing stiff bandwidth limits on its customers Videos, advertisements and and other Flash graphics are bandwidth hogs and those that start automatically consume a user’s allotment regardless of whether they’re interested or not. Stiff fines await users exceeding their rations. That makes this a dollars […]

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Decanter “Most Powerful” List Built Upon Snobbery Rather Than Power

Decanter’s annual “Powerful” list is based not so much on power, clout, or the ability to move markets, but on a snobbish gaze at a small self-indulgent world that is increasingly irrelevant to the vast majority of the globe’s wine drinkers. Indeed, the wine industry’s obsession with the navel-gazing worship of sacred grapes blessed by […]

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Worst News Release Of The Year (so far): ShopDragon & World of Wine Festival

Entire release below. Any clue as to WHEN THE BLOODY FESTIVAL TAKES PLACE? Yes, yes I am shouting. Every morning, every day, I get a flood of badly written news releases but this one takes the cake. Few PR people these days have ever been  journalists. Some do an excellent job despite that, but way […]

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All The Wine Industry News: Not Just The Feel-Good Stuff

I get complaints now and then about the selection of articles for News Fetch and Wine Industry Insight. The most frequent  gripe comes over why I select articles dealing with alcohol abuse or those with an obvious NeoProhibitionist slant. Why do it? Because being informed means having all the information, not just the feel-good stuff. […]

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UPDATED INFO (NEWEST AT TOP) Kendall-Jackson winery owner Jess Jackson dies at 81 Jess Stonestreet Jackson Obituary From BloodHorse.Com: Owner Jess Jackson Dies at Age 81 KJ Blog Wine Icon Jess Stonestreet Jackson Passes Away ORIGINAL ARTICLE (DRAFTED 6:07 A.M.) Jess Jackson has died. Details from the company and family are not yet available. Multiple […]

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FDA Says Alcohol Not Subject To New Labeling Rules, Solicits Comments

The following appears in the FDA Federal Register Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Menu Labeling (Federal Register: April 6, 2011 (Volume 76, Number 66) Proposed Rules, Page 19191-19236): While alcohol beverages are “food” under the FD&C Act, FDA recognizes that at least one court has held that TTB has exclusive jurisdiction over the labels of […]

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Napa Sheep Killer Shoots Adult, Baby Lamb & Steals Rest Of Mt. Veeder Flock

A sick, sleazy thief is running lose in Napa County. Tom Meadowcroft, Winemaker for the Meadowcroft Family of Wines contacted Wine Industry Insight tonight to report that someone shot dead an adult sheep and a baby lamb in his vineyard on Napa County’s Mt. Veeder sometime on March 24. The intruder then stole the remaining […]

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