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Calif to move forward on new pricing district for Suisun Valley

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) will move forward in the regulatory process to determine if it should modify the boundary between Grape Pricing Districts 5 and 17 used in the Grape Crush Report.   The boundary change would shift the boundary between Grape Price Districts 5 and 17 to the west and […]

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UC Davis Department of Viticulture & Enology Professor Emeritus Dave Smart has died

UC Davis Department of Viticulture & Enology Professor Emeritus Dave Smart has died according to the Viticulture & Enology Facebook page “It is with great sadness that we inform you that Professor Emeritus Dave Smart passed away yesterday, after a long illness. Dave joined the Department in 2000 as an Assistant Professor, focusing his research […]

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Nielsen, Sovos & Wines Vines Analytics Launch New US Off-Premise Wine Sales Data Source

Press Release, April 23, 2020 Nielsen (NYSE: NLSN) Global Connect today announced a joint solution that will deliver a much more comprehensive view of the U.S. off-premise wine category. This product will enable suppliers, importers, distributors and retailers to view Nielsen U.S. retail wine sales alongside or in aggregate with direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipments, provided […]

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Silicon Valley Bank offered its winery clients a great promo opportunity. Most did a savvy marketing job.

This is a great idea! and some good deals … especially on shipping! Kudos for the wineries that saw the opportunity and grabbed it. These are the savvy wineries in the Savvy SVB Vintner list Alexana Winery Aperture Arietta Au Bon Climat Baldacci  Family Vineyards Balletto Vineyards Bennett Lane Betz Bledsoe  Family Winery CADE Caliza Winery Charles  Krug Chateau Montelena Cliff Lede Correlation County Line Vineyards CrossBarn  by Paul Hobbs Crown Point  Vineyards CRU Vineyard 29 DeLille Cellars […]

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Zepponi M&A perspective on COVID-19’s Impact

News Release, April 6, 2020 – Zepponi & Company   Santa Rosa, Calif., April 6, 2020 – Now, several weeks into COVID-19’s appearance and rapid spread in the U.S., the virus’s impact on the beverage alcohol industry and related merger and acquisition activity is starting to come into focus. Some commentators have covered in detail […]

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Voters More Worried About Health Than Economy, Want Social Distancing to Stay

Source: Morning Consult Poll (March 26, 2020) How to tell if a survey is credible or just a load of BS

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Brown-Forman Corp has donated $1 million to COVID-19 response funds.

NEWS RELEASE – March 23, 2020 Brown-Forman Corporation today announced a donation of $1 million to COVID-19 response funds. The donation announced today supports multiple locations and agencies as Brown-Forman assesses community and industry needs and identifies the best ways to support those impacted by COVID-19.   “As COVID-19 has spread throughout the world, we […]

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Three big reasons why you are not retaining club and other DTC members

“A 5% increase in customer retention produces more than a 25% increase in profit.” For More, see: The Value of Keeping the Right Customers Wine club churn   WHY #1 WHY #2 WHY #3   For additional insights on this, contact Wine Industry Insight Publisher Lewis Perdue

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Reload this link for updates on Napa, Solano & Sonoma virus restrictions

County Health Department Links Napa County: Coronavirus (2019 Novel Coronavirus) Solano County Press Releases Sonoma County orders people to shelter in place

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Family Winemakers of Calif asks Ag Secretary if reduced tasting room visits by appointment are OK

This is an excerpt from an email broadcast from the Family Winemakers of California “[H]ere is a link to Cellar Pass. Cellar Pass is a company that can set up a “by appointment only” system for wineries. This is the request I sent to Secretary Ross for consideration by the Governor: As an alternative to closing the […]

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