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UNDEAD! Suitors Sparring Over New Vine’s Bones

People with a lot of money rarely scurry as fast as the 20+ companies and other parties now clutching for a piece of New Vine’s body. But unaccustomed as they might be, the tire-kicking and deal-floating have been described by several participants as “a frantic rush to own the body before the last breath has […]

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New Vine Founder, Chairman Offer Update

The following was posted as a comment on Wine Industry Insight’s article on the New Vine shutdown. It has been elevated to its own article in order to give it more prominence. The following is unedited and the entire comment. In response to yesterday’s media reports about the suspension of New Vine Logistics’ business operations, […]

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May Overall Wine Sales Grow, $20+ Category Up, Imports Down

Domestic table wine sales posted a 3.7-percent gain for the four-week period ending April 19, over the same period last year, according to Wine Industry Insight’s analysis of data from Information Resources Inc. Sales tracked by the data account for approximately 63 percent of all wine sold in the United States and is weighted in […]

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DEAD! – New Vine Withers After Amazon Bolts & Investors Pull Plug

New Vine Logistics slammed the doors and headed for the hills on May 30, after impatient investors pulled the plug following the direct-shipping company’s mounting losses. New Vine touted itself as the solution to allowing wineries to sell and ship wine to consumers while complying with the crazy quilt of laws that varied from state […]

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WII Hiatus Due To Editor’s Trip

Sorry for the interruption, but Wine Industry Insight Editor Lewis Perdue is in Western New York State where he delivered a college commencement address to the State University of New York’s Corning Community College. Corning is a major regional two-year school and as such is part of the State University of New York. Afterwards, Lew  […]

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Constellation To Close RH Phillips Winery, Move Brands To Woodbridge

The following letter, was sent Monday: May 18, 2009 Dear Colleagues: As Constellation has grown, our footprint has changed, resulting in excess capacity at some of our facilities.  As part of this footprint review and a strategic initiative to improve operational efficiency, it was determined that we can replicate the capacity at RH Phillips in […]

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IRI/WII: What Are Consumers REALLY Drinking. Much Of What You Think Is Wrong.

The wine industry’s perception that box and value brands own all the growth categories is wrong. This broad-brush conviction  may have been true six months ago, but it is not justified by a detailed and current look at what consumers are really buying. The market is in flux and opportunities exist for those willing to […]

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Mainstay Varietals — Moderately Priced Cab, Chard, WZin — Treading Water, Losing Market Share

Wine Industry Insight’s analysis of data from Information Resources Inc. shows that while many unexpected price/varietal categories have shown astonishing growth [$VIP], most of the top 10 market mainstay categories — moderately priced Chardonnay, Cab and white Zin –  have lost share, or have maintained some growth through price reductions. OLD STANDBYS NO LONGER LEADING […]

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Market Flux Flummoxes Best Of Intentions

Quickly changing economic conditions and consumer wine purchases have created an industry in rapid flux that has flummoxed even the best of projections for the coming year. The resulting uncertainty has complicated investment and lending decisions, especially at the high end of the market. HIGH-END MARKET ESPECIALLY HARD TO PIN DOWN While scanner data covers […]

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High-End Wines Began Recovery In January, Imports Still Lag

New data prepared by Information Resources Inc. for Wine Industry Insight shows that sales of wines priced at more than $20 per bottle began to recover in January, 2009. VIP Premium Content Subscribers, click here to get the  full-sized chart and download the Excel spreadsheet with a complete data set and three more charts. [$VIP] […]

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