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On-premise table wine revenue gains have been decelerating over the past two years

The overall revenue growth rate of on-premise table wines has been slowly decreasing over the past two years, according to the Nielsen Wine Overview dated Feb. 25, 2017.   However, before jumping to conclusions, it’s vital to recognize that — while this view from 10,000 feet can be indicative of a trend — it says […]

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Global drinking: What do other countries drink … and how much

Global drinking: What do other countries drink … and how much Lots more fun charts at the source: “A night out in 31 countries”

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Meiomi + Black Box: Premium & low-end combine to drive Constellation’s wine growth

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Which state has the smallest gender pay gap? Largest? This animated map shows all.

Source (click for animated map): Business Insider

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Google’s in hot water over lousy ad placements. This graphic shows how broken the process is.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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$1.3 trillion at risk as Hispanic spending and consumer confidence drop on immigration fears

According to excerpts from RBC’s March 24 Market Analysis: The collective buying power of the Hispanic population totaled $1.3 trillion in 2015, and is projected to grow to $1.7 trillion by 2020. The increase since 2000 is 167%, twice the 76% growth in non-Hispanic buying power, according to Nielsen.   Hispanic-Americans surpass the U.S. national […]

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2016 sets record for small craft brewers: retail dollars up 10% to $23.5 bil, 21.9% share of all beer $ sales

Source (and full infographics): Brewer’s Association

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Calif farmworker pay soars

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Wine and Spirits faring very well among consumer staples

  Source: RBC Capital Markets: ‘What Is Weighing on U.S. Consumer Staples Category Growth in 2017?”

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These are the tastes that people will want in this summer’s alcoholic beverages

Source: Nielsen

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