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Vintage Wine Estates Buys Canopy Management Wine Company

FROM A VINTAGE WINE ESTATES NEWS RELEASE May 27, 2014 Vintage Wine Estates has bought Canopy Management Wine Company (CMWC). The acquisition is effective July 1. Founded by industry veterans Terry Wheatley and Brian Wurtz in 2008, CMWC produces a portfolio of nationally distributed wines including Middle Sister, Monogamy, PromisQous, Purple Cowboy, Wine Sisterhood, Deep […]

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News Fetch’s “Featured Wine” Suspended

  The “Featured Wine” section of News Fetch is no longer. It’s been a very popular anchor to the daily email newsletter and has generated hundreds of emails. But, I’ve grown weary of panning bad wine. You probably don’t enjoy reading about it. Worse than that are all of the bad wines I’ve had the […]

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Note To PR Folks: Old news is not news … it’s history

This arrived in today’s email. But the sale was in News Fetch April 24, almost a month ago: Pernod looks for more bolt-on deals after U.S buy.

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Here’s How Your Web Site Tells Customers To “Sod Off!”

This site has a problem displaying properly. I clicked their “contact” link to tell them about it and I got this crappy form. Life is too short to spend it filling out forms when a simple “Mailto:” link would do the job. So, if you’re tired of all that pesky feedback from customers and web […]

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Comcast: Bad For You, Bad For America

More than  22,000 subscribers in the wine industry depend on getting their news every morning from News Fetch. That includes folks  from the very top execs to the hard-working people who make every grape, barrel and bottle do what they need to. And most evenings when the next day’s News Fetch template is created and […]

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French, Italians Drink Less Wine, Propel US To No.1 World Market: OIV

Read the entire OIV Report here (.pdf) PRESS RELEASE Paris, 13 May 2014 The wine market: developments and trends World wine consumption dropped slightly in 2013 to 238.7 mhl The United States became the biggest internal market in the world in terms of volume Early estimates of the 2014 harvest: low wine production in the […]

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This Is Your Site On Flash …

Flash — especially auto-running video — is ranked among the most annoying things on the web. A large percentage of users browse with Flash blockers or with Flash turned off. It’s also a bandwidth hog and a top cause for prematurely running laptop batteries down. This is what I see when I browse. Like others, […]

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Slider/Carousel Will Sabotage Your Web Page Traffic & Visibility

If you have a slider or a carousel, you’re driving away traffic. They are bad for users and, as you’ll read farther down in this article, they also sabotage Search Engine Optimization. Sliders/carousels fail because there is no way to guarantee that the new stuff will be the first thing that visitors see. Most folks […]

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Restaurants, Corkage, Trust & Cheating

The French Laundry corkage rip-off has generated a lot of conversation this week including this one today: Cork this, Mr. Keller. While  both sides can roll out various economic arguments for and against. I do believe that a restaurant as an economic interest to cover its costs and a little for the margin with reasonable […]

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Wine Institute: Why Do NZ Wine Exports Almost Equal California’s?

Who is working harder here? Consider this: NZ wine exports reach record $1.3 billion Versus this: U.S. wine exports, 90% from California, reached a record high $1.55 billion in winery revenues in 2013, up 16.4% compared to the previous year. California’s 2012 exports were $1.336B. So, rather than boasting about rising exports, perhaps the California […]

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